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UK Skills Federation (UKSF)
Core Products / Services
Policy and Strategy Development, Labour Market Intelligence, National Occupational Standards, Curriculum and Qualifications Development, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Training Provision, Training of Trainers, Assessment and Certification, Apprenticeships

UK Skills Federation represents the international work of the UK Sector Skills Councils and National Skills Academies
Our role is to promote UK expertise in the development of programmes to support technical and vocational education and training around the world.
Sector Skills Councils and National Skills Academies are employer-led skills organisations covering approximately 90% of the UK workforce, working with over half a million employers to define skills needs and skills standards in their industries.
As industry-led organisations, our members are ideally placed to represent and to galvanise employer investment in skills, and to deliver TVET solutions in a range of areas, including:
- Labour Market Intelligence and Workforce Planning
- Development of National Occupational Standards and Apprenticeship Standards,
- Curriculum Development,
- Train the Trainer Programmes
- Quality Assurance and Accreditation
- Establishment and governance of Sector Skills Councils and National Skills Academies
Policy and Strategy Development
Establishing aims and priorities of skills initiatives for industry sectors; supporting development of technical and vocational skills strategies, forming part of an integrated skills plan.
Labour Market Intelligence
Delivering labour market insight used to identify skills priorities and inform the development of appropriate policies.
National Occupational Standards
Developing nation-specific occupational standards using expertise from specific industry sectors.
Curriculum and Qualifications Development
Writing and enhancing staff capability in developing world-class technical and vocational curriculum and qualifications directly linked to workplace standards.
Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Supporting the accreditation of training providers against agreed standards to build and maintain quality for employers and learners, directly and through licensing to internationally recognised bodies or national systems.
Training Provision
Establishing networks of providers to deliver quality training in line with skills strategy, enabling employers to access high quality training simply and effectively.
Training of Trainers
Offering on-site or UK-based courses masterclasses for existing and new technical and vocational trainers.
Assessment and Certification
Offering a comprehensive Awarding Organisation capability, through strategic relationships with a range of high profile and internationally recognised Awarding Organisations.
Implementing apprenticeship programmes and providing links between employers and students, tackling youth unemployment as a priority.