Strengthening education
and skills systems:

The UK’s offer to global

Education and skills play a pivotal role in shaping the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the UK. In a rapidly evolving global landscape, nations worldwide also recognise the importance of education in driving their progress and development. With the power to combat discrimination and social inequality, education helps to foster innovation, boost productivity, and promote economic growth and social stability.

Across different nations and cultures, there is a common interest in promoting and investing in education and skills development to address the ever-evolving job market, technological advancements, and global competition.

In the UK, we recognise the need for high quality, sustainable education and skills systems that foster competent, productive and inclusive workforces. We take pride in being able to share our knowledge and expertise with international partners to build mutually beneficial partnerships that help raise education and skills standards.

A cross-section of organisations from the UK education sector have united to showcase how the UK can support governments around the world to enhance their education and skills systems. As a collaboration of education and skills specialists, through the UK Skills Partnership we are able to identify collaborative solutions to meet the specific needs of international partners. You can download the UK Education and Skills Offer brochure below.

The information presented within this document provides UK and international stakeholders with:

  • A high-level overview of the work that each level of the UK education and skills system engages in
  • A comprehensive outline of the specific services and support the UK can offer to international partners at each level of education.
  • Clear signposts to the organisations that can help international partners connect with UK education
    and skills sector.

In 2019, the UK government published the International Education Strategy (IES): global potential,
global growth. In consultation with the sector and Devolved Administrations, it sets out a cohesive,
cross-government approach to supporting the global activities of the education sector.

UK Education and Skills International Offer - twin page

UK Education and Skills Partners

British Education Suppliers Association [BESA]
British Council
British International School Associations Meeting [BISAM]
Early Years Alliance
Independent Higher Education [IHE]
English UK
National Association for Special Educational Needs [NASEN]
Publishers Association
UK Skills Partnership [UKSP]
Universities UK International [UUKI]
Advance HE
Association of British School Overseas [AoBSO]
British Schools In The Middle East [BSME]
British Schools Overseas [BSO]
Council of British International Schools [COBIS]
Federation of British International Schools in Asia [FOBISIA]
Independent Schools Council [ISC]
Latin American Heads Conference [LAHC]
The National Association of British Schools in Spain [NABSS]

Produced with support from

Department for Business and Trade
Department for Education

Designed by:

People1st International

Whatever your skills needs, contact the UKSP