Higher Education
Universities UK International (UUKi)
Core Products / Services
Higher Education, Universities

Universities UK International (UUKi)
UUKi’s vision is to be an influential, trusted and credible voice for UK universities internationally which, through our knowledge, expertise, networks and strategic partnerships, adds value to what individual universities can do in working to achieve their international aims.
We aim to
• Enable universities to develop and deliver strong international strategies
• Influence the policy and regulatory environment through our ability to represent UK universities
• Create diverse opportunities through strategic partnerships
UUKi plays both management and delivery support roles in a wide-ranging portfolio of programmes which facilitate academic mobility, knowledge exchange and international research collaboration.
- As a delivery partner for the newly established Rutherford Fund, UUKi designed and administers the UUKi Rutherford Fund Strategic Partner Grants programme as a means to support UK universities to enhance their global strategic partnerships, by awarding funding to UK institutions to deliver a programme of fellowships for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) from their partner institutions.
- UUKi provides scholarship scheme management for the Argentinian Government’s national scholarship scheme the AR programme. BEC.AR is a scheme to support the training and development of Argentine professionals in science and technology through placement on postgraduate taught courses at UK universities.
- UUKi’s Newton Fund programme of work involves connecting PhD candidates, early career researchers (post-docs) and research groups from the 18 Newton Fund partner countries to UK hosts or collaborators. To this end, UUKi operates a partner matching service to connect Newton Fund partner country researchers to UK hosts, collaborators or research opportunities.
- UUKi also hosts an online Gateway to International Opportunities, a regularly updated depository of opportunities for international research collaboration and/or knowledge exchange, aimed at UK based researchers.
Workforce Intelligence/Research
- Developing and delivering workforce / labour market information, intelligence and insight used to identify skills priorities and inform the development of appropriate policies.
- UUKi delivers a suite of regular research publications which detail the scale and scope of UK universities’ international engagement, covering research, international student and staff recruitment, transnational education and outward student mobility. Additionally, UUKi produces one-off reports and publications on a wide range of international higher education themes including engagement in specific regions.
- All research and publications are available here