Pearson BTEC delivers for students in Thailand
Pearson, the world’s learning company, received an official endorsement from the Thai Government which allows BTEC qualifications to be delivered in every vocational and higher institution in Thailand, both in the public and private sector.
The pilot implementation began in December 2018 with the view to expand BTECs across vocational institutions in Thailand. A delegation from the Thai Ministry of Education visited Pearson in November 2018 supported by the Department for International Trade, to discuss current and future plans and to sign an agreement between Pearson, the Ministry for Education and Trade Bodies of Thailand to work together on BTEC implementation.
Pearson now have more than 24 centres in Thailand approved for BTEC teaching. Quality training has been completed for most of the centres with around 200 teachers being trained to deliver BTECs to international quality standards.
Approval for their teaching has included extensive training by Pearson for all BTEC teachers. Training the centres on the delivery and processes attached to quality assurance in the centres.
The subjects most popular so far include:
- Engineering
- Business
- IT
- Hospitality
BTEC courses are high quality, hands-on qualifications grounded in the real world of work. Students choose specialisations then learn by doing, developing valuable skills that can help them become them highly employable in that particular industry.
Pearson’s qualifications are built on the British educational system and accepted by universities worldwide. They offer learners across Asia the opportunity for progress, to achieve their learning and career goals, at home and abroad.
Contact Pearson if you are interested in implementing BTECs
The aim was to establish successful national implementation of BTECs as the ‘premium international vocational qualification’.
Pearson engaged local industry and built employer partnerships in partnership with the Thai Chamber of Commerce. It has also secured endorsements of BTEC from many employers.
Pearson engaged with stakeholders at Government level – where personnel changes and changes in perspective mean that relationships often need to be re-formed.
Pearson has been working with key stakeholders including OVEC and EEC to develop lasting partnerships where learners can make use of workplace experience
Pearson has been intensively supporting colleges outside of metropolitan areas to engage with contemporary content through use of technology.
With the support of the Thai government, Pearson implement localised BTEC qualifications. It worked closely with employers and stakeholders to develop contextualised curriculum. Pearson also supported and design and implementation of a new management system.
As part of the key BTC infrastructure, Pearson made resources available across public and private Colleges and Universities in Thailand to address Thailand 4.0 Economic strategy and industry needs.
- Thailand’s Prime Minister endorsed in a visit to Pearson offices UK
- Minister of Education confirmed their recognition of BTEC qualifications
- The embassies of the UK & Thailand both supported the initiative
- OVEC -Office of Vocational Education Commission is a key partner
- Pearson engaged the Eastern Economic Corridor unit to create strong employer engagement
Pearson ensure that the BTEC implementation aligned to sector priorities as part of the Eastern Economic Corridor strategy. Sectors in focus include:
- Aeronautical
- Smart electronics
- Tourism
- Infrastructure and logistics
Pearson created and implemented innovative teacher and learner support materials to raise the quality of teaching and learning as part of the BTEC framework. This resulted in the delivery of a large scale teacher professional development with college partners in Thailand.
BTECs improve employment prospects and progression of learners: BTEC qualifications are taken by both TVET Institutions and Higher Education Institutes to allow enable to further/higher education and employment.
BTECs support the improvement of technical and vocational training and education (TVET) standards and provision in Thailand. BTEC qualifications are recognised by Thai government and Thai industry/professional bodies thus forming part of TVET education system in Thailand improving it’s standards, quality and international benchmarking.
Elevating the role of TVET and removing the stigma around vocational education has been an essential part of the work with government, industries. The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) is focussing on promoting the BTEC as a career-focused choice and world-class standards education.
BTEC qualifications subjects are aligned to the industry specific needs and objectives of both Thailand 4.0 and EEC Economic objectives
Pearson has trained local vocational teachers to improve vocational teaching and learning experience – hundreds of local vocational teachers trained and have been through the comprehensive Pearson on-boarding system
BTEC’s have improved the social mobility of Thai workforce. Approved BTEC centres are located with different regions across Thailand and so the qualifications are now recognised throughout the country.
Pearson’s work in Thailand is aligned to the three United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), namely SDG 4. Quality Education; SDG 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, and SDG 10. Reduced Inequalities.
“The Royal Thai Government introduced BTECs in December 2018 and since then 24 colleges and schools have signed up to offer BTEC courses, with around 200 teachers trained to teach the qualification. A further 24 institutions are ready to start teaching in the academic year 2020 and the qualification is now fully integrated into our national development plan. We are excited to offer the opportunity to gain a BTEC qualification to increasing numbers of young people in Thailand as we are confident it will heighten their employability and widen their job opportunities internationally. ”
His Excellency Pisanu Suvanajata, Thai Ambassador to the UK
“Through the BTEC qualification we offer learners a clear route to employment either directly or via higher education, supporting social mobility, and the knowledge needed to succeed nationally, regionally [and] globally.”
Rod Bristow, President of the UK and Global Online Learning