I want to be part of SkillsFest24

Thank you for your interest in being part of SkillsFest24.

To be a part of the Skillsfest audience, please complete and submit our quick form.

Once submitted, you’ll receive a calendar invite containing the MS Teams link.

Should you have any questions, please contact us

Thank you so much.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Enter your first and last name.
Enter your job role title
Email address
Enter your email address. Please double check that this is correct.
Please enter the full name of the organisation. Include any acronym.
Select an organisation type that matches closest.
Select the country / territory you are based in from the dropdown menu.
Reason for participating in SkillsFest24
Why do you want to participate in SkillsFest24. You have to select at least one option - tick all that apply.
If you are looking for some kind of collaboration with any kind of UK skills and training partner, do you want UKSP to contact you about your requirements?

Are you ready for SkillsFest24?

Is all your data in this form correct? In the next few days, we will email you a calendar invite containing the MS Teams link. For now, pencil SkillsFest in your diary! Thanks for your patience.
Please tick to confirm your agreement to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

SkillsFest24 is free to participate in. The materials used in presentations and case studies are the copyright of the originator. Programme and speakers are subject to change. Whilst SkillsFest24 might offer an opportunity for continuous professional development [CPD], it is NOT a formal learning programme and so certificates of participation will not be issued.

Please solve this puzzle to be able to submit this form.

We will send you a calendar invite usually within 5 working days from receipt of your form. In the meantime, pencil SkillsFest24 into your calendar [16th to 20th September 2024].

Thank you

Become part of the UK Skills Partnership Family
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