Become part of the UKSP global family!

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Associate membership is available to high quality UK registered Further Education and National Colleges, independent TVET/ skills and training  and learning providers; awarding organisations, Sector Skills Councils and National Skills Academies, Chartered and professional bodies, vocational English Language providers, skills tech and equipment suppliers and all others at the delivery end of the skills eco-system.

A UK Skills Partnership Associate Member organisation is a proud affiliate of a UK Skills Partnership Strategic Partner. Associate Members specialise in delivering a diverse array of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and related talent building services, focusing on providing skills and workforce development and comprehensive skills solutions to an international market.

If you are looking to extend your international reach and want to work collaboratively with UK and International partners, then this could help your organisation grow.

UKSP Associate Member Badge example - do not copy
UKSP Strategic Partner Badge example - do not copy


Strategic Partners are key umbrella organisations in the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and skills development from across the United Kingdom. These include convenors of  renowned UK colleges, independent training providers, awarding organisations, providers of school solutions, and sector skills organisations and more.

Our Strategic Partners work with their Associate Members to provide TVET, skills and business training solutions globally. Application is by invitation only.

Our Strategic Partners work with their Associate Members to provide TVET, skills and business training solutions globally. Application is strictly by invitation only.

Elevate your global presence, foster partnerships and collaboration, and unlock a world of possibilities by becoming part of the UKSP global family.

  • Enable systemic reform of skills and education systems, including funding mechanisms;
  • Support economic development, growth and sustainability by building an appropriately skilled workforce through enhancing skills and education in key industrial areas;
  • Share world-class best practice in teaching and education policy, design and delivery enabling young people to maximise their potential for growth via a range of high quality education routes;
  • Create mutually beneficial opportunities and partnerships which dynamically build the capability and capacity required for systemic long term change;
  • Create public-private partnerships which support quality improvement, relevance and which bring about a sustainable financing of skills education;
  • Maximise the innovative and effective use of ICT/Education Technology to support the transformation of skills services;
  • Focus on sectoral skills development for employment and new types of skills, including industry 4.0 and other emerging sectors;
Read more about why you would benefit from being part of the UK Skills Partnership:
  • Featured Profiles: Enjoy featured profiles on our website, ensuring that your organisation is showcased to visitors and fellow members.
  • Market Exposure: Amplify your reach. Benefit from promotional campaigns, spotlighting your services and achievements to a global audience.
  • Online Visibility: Enhance your online presence with optimised search visibility through the UKSP website listing, making it easier for potential partners and clients to find and engage with your organisation.
  • Partner Networking: Gain access to a like-minded global skills and training network, facilitating strategic partnerships with mutually beneficial potential opportunties.
  • Collaborative Events: Participate in partner events, fostering a deeper understanding and alignment with potential collaborators.
  • Facilitated Introductions: Receive introductions to key players in the industry, ensuring meaningful connections that go beyond surface-level interactions.
  • Project Collaboration Platform: Discover and join new and ongoing global collaborative projects.
  • Resource Sharing: Pool resources with other members, enabling the delivery of ambitious projects that may have been challenging individually.
  • Build Track Record: Receive recognition by building your organisation’s project delivery track record within collaborative projects, enhancing your reputation and credibility.
  • Virtual Networking Events: Engage in virtual networking events, connecting you with industry leaders, experts, and fellow members.
  • Discussion Forums: Participate in skills discussion forums, providing a space for ongoing conversations, knowledge-sharing, and problem-solving within the global skills eco-system.
  • Member Directory Access: Access a comprehensive directory of members, making it easy to identify and connect with professionals to connect with.

Reach your international potential, join us today.

UKSP Associate Member Badge example - do not copy

Associate Member

Includes the following key features:

  • Annual membership just £50 GBP – renewable every 12 months
  • Applications welcome from all UK registered organisations
  • UKSP Associate Member logo and branding for use in your international marketing materials
  • Associate Member profile on the UKSP website
  • Listing in the searchable UKSP skills and training online database
  • Invite to participate in UKSP promotional events
  • Opportunities to collaborate and build partnerships globally
UKSP Strategic Partner Badge example - do not copy

Strategic Partner

Includes the following key features:

  • Annual membership just £50 GBP – renewable every 12 months
  • Strictly by invitation only
  • Strategic global partnerships and collaboration
  • UKSP Strategic Partner logo and branding for use in your international marketing materials
  • Strategic Partner profile on the UKSP website
  • Invites to participate in UKSP promotional events

Got questions about being part of UKSP, then contact us.

Become part of the UK Skills Partnership Family
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